rosdistro file library ====================== .. currentmodule:: rospkg.distro This submodule provides the :class:`Distro` class, which provides an API for processing `rosdistro `_ files. .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 Data model ---------- The top level representation is a :class:`Distro` instance, which contains :class:`Variant` and :class:`DistroStack` instances. :class:`DistroStack` instances have a :class:`VcsConfig` (:class:`SvnConfig`, :class:`GitConfig`, :class:`BzrConfig`, :class:`HgConfig`), which represents the source control information for the stack.:: Distro - Variant - DistroStack - VcsConfig Exceptions ---------- .. autoclass:: InvalidDistro Utility functions ----------------- .. method:: distro_uri(distro_name) Get distro URI of main ROS distribution files. :param distro_name: name of distro, e.g. 'diamondback' :returns: the SVN/HTTP URL of the specified distro. This function should only be used with the main distros. .. method:: load_distro(source_uri) -> Distro Load :class:`Distro` instance from *source_uri*. Example:: from rospkg.distro import load_distro, distro_uri d = load_distro(distro_uri('electric')) :param source_uri: source URI of distro file, or path to distro file. Filename has precedence in resolution. :raises: :exc:`InvalidDistro` if distro file is invalid :raises: :exc:`rospkg.ResourceNotFound` if file at *source_uri* is not found .. method:: expand_rule(rule, stack_name, stack_ver, release_name) -> str Replace variables in VCS config rule value with specified values .. method:: distro_to_rosinstall(distro, branch, [variant_name=None, [implicit=True, [released_only=True, [anonymous=True]]]]) :param branch: branch to convert for :param variant_name: if not None, only include stacks in the specified variant. :param implicit: if variant_name is provided, include full (recursive) dependencies of variant, default True :param released_only: only included released stacks, default True. :param anonymous: create for anonymous access rules :raises: :exc:`KeyError` if branch is invalid or if distro is mis-configured Model ----- .. class:: DistroStack Stores information about a stack release :param stack_name: Name of stack :param stack_version: Version number of stack. :param release_name: name of distribution release. Necessary for rule expansion. :param rules: raw '_rules' data. Will be converted into appropriate vcs config instance. .. class:: Variant(variant_name, extends, stack_names, stack_names_implicit) A variant defines a specific set of stacks ("metapackage", in Debian parlance). For example, "base", "pr2". These variants can extend another variant. :param variant_name: name of variant to load from distro file, ``str`` :param stack_names_implicit: full list of stacks implicitly included in this variant, ``[str]`` :param raw_data: raw rosdistro data for this variant .. method:: get_stack_names([implicit=True]) -> [str] Get list of all stack names in this variant. :param implicit: If ``True``, includes names of stacks in parent variants. Otherwise, include only stacks explicitly named in this variant. (default ``True``). .. attribute:: stack_names List of all stack names in this variant, including implicit stacks. .. class:: Distro(stacks, variants, release_name, version, raw_data) Store information in a rosdistro file. :param stacks: dictionary mapping stack names to :class:`DistroStack` instances :param variants: dictionary mapping variant names to :class:`Variant` instances :param release_name: name of release, e.g. 'diamondback' :param version: version number of release :param raw_data: raw dictionary representation of a distro .. method:: get_stacks([released=False]) -> {str: DistroStack} :param released: only included released stacks :returns: dictionary of stack names to :class:`DistroStack` instances in this distro. Source control information -------------------------- .. autoclass:: VcsConfig :members: .. autoclass:: DvcsConfig :members: .. autoclass:: GitConfig .. autoclass:: HgConfig .. autoclass:: BzrConfig .. autoclass:: SvnConfig() .. method:: get_vcs_configs() -> {str: VcsConfig} :returns: Dictionary of supported :class:`VcsConfig` instances. Key is the VCS type name, e.g. 'svn'. .. method:: load_vcs_config(rules, rule_eval) -> VcsConfig Factory for creating :class:`VcsConfig` subclass based on rosdistro _rules data. :param rules: rosdistro rules data :param rules_eval: Function to apply to rule values, e.g. to convert variables. ``fn(str)->str`` :returns: :class:`VcsConfig` subclass instance with interpreted rules data.